Wednesday, March 20, 2013

28 weeks!

Wow... I am 28 weeks 1 day today! This week I start seeing my doctor every two weeks. I never heard anything about my GTT, so I assume the results came back good.

How far along? 28 weeks 1 day! 
Total weight gain: Up 9 lbs total two weeks ago. I don't have scales at home, so I'm not sure what I weigh day to day.
Maternity clothes? I have been in maternity pants forever. I wear maternity shirts a lot, but I can still wear my regular ones, too. I wore a regular sweater at the beginning of the week, but it is getting really short!
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: I sleep. But I sure don't feel rested.
Best moment this week: Getting my recliner for the nursery. It is really coming together.
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Constantly. I think this baby moves 24/7.
Food cravings: Mostly just chocolate milk.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, not particularly.
Sex of the baby: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None. Although I have been feeling more and more Braxton Hicks contractions lately. I guess my body is getting ready for labor in a way!
Symptoms: Growing belly, movement!
Belly Button in or out? Still in. It is getting shallower by the day though.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody?  Moody unfortunately. My hormones have been wacky lately.
Looking forward to: Next up is doing a few things for the nursery that I want to do myself and can't register for and get ready for my shower!
Here I am this morning before work.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

27 weeks!

Happy Hump Day Bump Day! Today I am 27 weeks 1 day. I had an appointment this past Friday. It was just another routine check-up. My blood pressure has stayed low. It was only 102/60 that day. My weight gain has also stayed at a reasonable level. I am up 9 lbs total now.

Monday I got up early and had my 2 hour glucose test. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. My fasting blood sugar was 91. I haven't heard from the doctor even though the phlebotomist said the results would be ready Monday afternoon, so I am assuming everything looks good! While we were waiting the first hour I went and pre-registered for Labor and Delivery. Now when the time comes we get to go straight up to the L&D floor. We also went ahead and toured the Mother/Baby unit and L&D. Both units are so nice. The birthing rooms are very new and look so spacious and comfy. Only about 12 weeks until we get to try it out for real!

Here I am at 26 weeks 6 days!

How far along? 27 weeks. Only 90 days to go! 
Total weight gain: Up 9 lbs total.
Maternity clothes? I have been in maternity pants since Thanksgiving I believe. I wear maternity shirts a lot, but I can still wear my regular ones, too.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: This past week I have been sleeping like a rock. Too bad I don't feel rested.
Best moment this week: Touring the hospital! It was so nice to see where all this will be going down.
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Constantly. I think this baby moves 24/7.
Food cravings: Mostly just chocolate milk.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, not particularly.
Sex of the baby: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None. 
Symptoms: Growing belly, movement!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody?  Moody unfortunately. My hormones have been wacky lately.
Looking forward to: Next up is doing a few things for the nursery that I want to do myself and can't register for and get ready for my shower!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mid-pregnancy Funk.

I don't know if the mid-pregnancy funk is a real thing, but I sure have been feeling it. Ever since my loss EDD passed I have been feeling blue. I just feel sad... I am not at the same point in my life as many of my friends. I go weeks without talking to them now and when I do talk to them it feels so forced. I am going to talk to my doctor about this next week. I know my hormones are all wacky, but I don't like feeling this way and I don't want it to get worse after little man comes.

On a good note, Jason and I have been super busy working on his room. Jason painted last week. We registered and picked up the furniture on Saturday. It is all set up now and looks amazing. I can't wait to see it with all the western cowboy stuff in there.

Here is a little preview.

Next up I need to find curtains. I am on the hunt for denim or chambray. I am also going to ask my grandma to make the crib skirt out of bandana print material because I can't find one I really like.

And here is my weekly update even though I have missed a few weeks!
How far along? 25 weeks!
Total weight gain: At my last appointment I was up 5lbs, but since we don't own scales I am not sure since then.
Maternity clothes? I have been in maternity pants forever now. I can still wear my own shirts, but they are starting to get short.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Sleep is starting to get spotty. I have a hard time getting comfortable. I toss and turn something awful and according to poor Jason I snore like a freight train.
Best moment this week: I got my first stranger comment yesterday! A client said I didn't know you were pregnant. I laughed and said I was and that I was due in June. When she left I told my coworker I should have been like, "I didn't know I was either!"
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Yes! Lots of movement now.
Food cravings: Skittles! And a new craving is chocolate milk! Love it.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Now I have horrible heartburn. All my normal things aren't working anymore. I need to ask the doctor what I can take.
Sex of the baby: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None. 
Symptoms: Growing belly, movement!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody?  Moody unfortunately. My hormones have been wacky lately.
Looking forward to: Next up is doing a few things for the nursery that I want to do myself and can't register for. My shower is the end of April so that will be nice! 
And a picture! This is from last week at 24 weeks. I haven't taken one for 25 weeks yet.

Friday, February 8, 2013

22 weeks and an appointment!

Today I had my monthly appointment with the OB. It went really well. We got all the results back from the blood work I had the beginning of the week. Everything looks great. My blood pressure is low which is normal for this stage in the game. And I have now gained 5 lbs.

The only bad thing going on right now is my loss EDD is coming up Monday. I'm really not sure how I feel. I am sad because I should either have a baby in my arms or be very close to that point, but I am excited for our baby boy coming in June. Part of the problem is that I know no one will remember what the date is... It is just like that baby never existed. Not to anyone but me. I have to go to work and put a smile on all day. *sigh* I guess I just need to look on the bright side of things and focus on my baby boy!

How far along? 22 weeks!
Total weight gain: I am now up 5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? I have been in maternity pants forever now. I can still wear my own shirts, but they are starting to get short.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: I am sleeping pretty well. I did wake up last night with some hip pain.
Best moment this week: My coworker telling me I was getting a cute little belly.
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Yes! Lots of movement now.
Food cravings: Skittles! And a milk shake at the moment. Too bad I don't crave healthy things...
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, I have been feeling great!
Sex of the baby: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None. 
Symptoms: Growing belly, movement!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy!
Looking forward to: Now that we know we are having a baby boy, I am looking forward to registering and having my showers. Getting the nursery ready! So much to look forward to! 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

21 Weeks!

Now that we know we are having a boy we have started planning the nursery a bit. I want to go with something that can grow with him. Neutral walls, espresso furniture. The bedding I want to go with is Sweet Jojo Wild West. Not all of it! Mostly just the sheets and maybe the curtains.

There isn't much else to update right now. We have started discussing names, but nothing has jumped out at us.

How far along? 21 weeks!
Total weight gain: I really should find some scales, but I think I am still up only around a pound.
Maternity clothes? I am in maternity pants, but still in my own shirts. My shirts are starting to get short in the front though. I ordered some camis.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Not bad. Less pee breaks lately.
Best moment this week: Jason felt baby boy move Friday night! Best birthday present ever.
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Yes! Lots of movement now.
Food cravings: Skittles! I have eaten so many in the last few days. Not healthy I'm sure.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, I have been feeling great!
Sex of the baby: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None. 
Symptoms: Growing belly, movement!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on. Although I took them off for a while today.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy!
Looking forward to: Now that we know we are having a baby boy, I am looking forward to registering and having my showers. Getting the nursery ready! So much to look forward to! 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oh, we're half way there!

And seriously living on a prayer! I can't believe I am 20 weeks pregnant already. Time is flying by. I already want to slow it down and enjoy every minute of it. A lot has happened since my last update and I hate that I am not a better blogger.

I had my appointment with the hypertension doctor, which actually ended up being an appointment with the hypertension nurse. I got in right away and she took my blood pressure. It was 125/78 which is normal! Next she hooked my forearms to some electrodes and proceeded to run some tests. Everything came back perfectly normal! She took my results to the doctor and he said there was no need to even see me!

Then yesterday, the 23rd, we went into the regular office for our anatomy scan. The tech is always the same one so she asked if she gave us a guess as to the sex at our 13 week ultrasound. She said girl at 13 weeks, but we didn't take it to heart. So she started the scan and was able to get all the measurements. A beautiful beating, 4 chambered heart. Two arms, two legs. Then she got to the bottom area. She asked if she said "possibly a girl or definitely a girl". She only said possibly a girl and when we told her that she said, "Well you didn't buy any pink did you?" We laughed and said no! And she said, "Well, that is good because it's a boy!"

Ahhh! A boy! I would venture to say 90% of our friends and family guessed girl. Jason even said girl.

How far along? 20 weeks!
Total weight gain: I still think I am only up around a pound!
Maternity clothes? I am in maternity pants, but still in my own shirts. My shirts are starting to get short in the front though.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Not bad. It could be better, but I refuse to give in to a maternity pillow.
Best moment this week: Passing my tests with the hypertension nurse. Getting to see my sweet babe's heart beating away, oh and finding out he is a healthy baby boy!
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Yes! Lots of movement now. I wish Jason could feel it though!
Food cravings: I haven't been craving anything lately!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, I have been feeling great!
Sex of the baby: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None. 
Symptoms: Growing belly, movement!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy!
Looking forward to: Now that we know we are having a baby boy, I am looking forward to registering and having my showers. Getting the nursery ready! So much to look forward to!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

18 weeks!

Seriously? How in the heck did I get here already? 18 weeks.

Friday I had an appointment with the OB. I thought things were going well. I gained 1 lb. Not too shabby since the holidays just happened. Then the OB informed me my blood pressure was up. 140/80. She said just the top number was up, but it is up enough to be concerned. I have to go see a high risk doctor next Tuesday the 15th. I am glad they are being proactive, but it hasn't been up any other time. We are now monitoring it at work. Today it was completely normal! Oh well, I guess any extra monitoring for baby is a good thing!

How far along? 18 weeks.
Total weight gain: Up 1 lb. I am really surprised it wasn't more.
Maternity clothes? I am in maternity pants, but still in my own shirts.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Not bad. It could be better, but I refuse to give in to a maternity pillow.
Best moment this week: Hearing my babes heart beat at my regular OB appointment!
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Yes! Lot of little flutters. Especially in the evenings.
Food cravings: I haven't been craving anything lately!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I still get queasy at least a few times a day. But, it is mostly better.
Sex of the baby: We don't know yet! Only 2 weeks!
Labor Signs: None. 
Symptoms: Growing belly, nauseousness.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex, my belly getting bigger, registering, the baby shower! Lots to look forward to!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Boy 2012 was a year of ups and downs... Jason and I decided to start TTC at the end of 2011. 2012 saw my period become erratic. Testing for PCOS commenced, but we were surprised to find out we were expecting in June! Sadly that baby was not meant to be, but we were able to conceive again right away. Here we are, the first day of 2013 and 17 weeks along!

Lots of other things happened to us along the way. We bought a RZR ATV and sold our four wheeler. We both love the RZR so much. It is a much more comfortable ride for us. We also sold Jason's S-10 and bought him a neon to drive to work. We are saving so much money on gas! We also sold Donnie the big blue Dodge and replaced him with Ronald the big red Dodge. It is Jason's dream truck and I am so glad we are at the point in our lives we can afford it!

We took a great vacation with my parents to Tybee Island, GA. Jason and I love it there and I am so glad we could share it with my family. We ate so much good food and got way more sun than is healthy, I'm sure!

We participated in the March of Dimes with the Team London's Rainbows. The team was named after our friend's daughter who died in 2011. Hannah was our team leader and we were able to raise an outstanding amount of money! I can't wait to participate in 2013!

Hannah also helped organize an event for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day in October. It was so great to see all these women (and men) come out to remember babies that were lost. The balloon release we had at the event was so touching. 

It was a good year in our professional lives too. Jason celebrated one year with the railroad and got a nice little raise. I had my 3rd anniversary at BB&T and also got a raise! I can't wait to see what 2013 brings for our careers.

As for baby related news, I go back to the doctor Friday. It is just an OB appointment so I don't expect much to happen. I do have several questions I want to ask. I feel confident saying I felt the baby moving yesterday! I was 16 weeks 6 days. It does sound a little early, but I know what gas feels like and this was different. Kind of like a swishy knocking. My coworker told me I was starting to look pregnant the other day.

I did make some New Year's resolutions, but this is getting long already, so I will save that for another day! 

Happy New Year!