Wednesday, March 20, 2013

28 weeks!

Wow... I am 28 weeks 1 day today! This week I start seeing my doctor every two weeks. I never heard anything about my GTT, so I assume the results came back good.

How far along? 28 weeks 1 day! 
Total weight gain: Up 9 lbs total two weeks ago. I don't have scales at home, so I'm not sure what I weigh day to day.
Maternity clothes? I have been in maternity pants forever. I wear maternity shirts a lot, but I can still wear my regular ones, too. I wore a regular sweater at the beginning of the week, but it is getting really short!
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: I sleep. But I sure don't feel rested.
Best moment this week: Getting my recliner for the nursery. It is really coming together.
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Constantly. I think this baby moves 24/7.
Food cravings: Mostly just chocolate milk.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, not particularly.
Sex of the baby: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None. Although I have been feeling more and more Braxton Hicks contractions lately. I guess my body is getting ready for labor in a way!
Symptoms: Growing belly, movement!
Belly Button in or out? Still in. It is getting shallower by the day though.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody?  Moody unfortunately. My hormones have been wacky lately.
Looking forward to: Next up is doing a few things for the nursery that I want to do myself and can't register for and get ready for my shower!
Here I am this morning before work.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

27 weeks!

Happy Hump Day Bump Day! Today I am 27 weeks 1 day. I had an appointment this past Friday. It was just another routine check-up. My blood pressure has stayed low. It was only 102/60 that day. My weight gain has also stayed at a reasonable level. I am up 9 lbs total now.

Monday I got up early and had my 2 hour glucose test. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. My fasting blood sugar was 91. I haven't heard from the doctor even though the phlebotomist said the results would be ready Monday afternoon, so I am assuming everything looks good! While we were waiting the first hour I went and pre-registered for Labor and Delivery. Now when the time comes we get to go straight up to the L&D floor. We also went ahead and toured the Mother/Baby unit and L&D. Both units are so nice. The birthing rooms are very new and look so spacious and comfy. Only about 12 weeks until we get to try it out for real!

Here I am at 26 weeks 6 days!

How far along? 27 weeks. Only 90 days to go! 
Total weight gain: Up 9 lbs total.
Maternity clothes? I have been in maternity pants since Thanksgiving I believe. I wear maternity shirts a lot, but I can still wear my regular ones, too.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: This past week I have been sleeping like a rock. Too bad I don't feel rested.
Best moment this week: Touring the hospital! It was so nice to see where all this will be going down.
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Constantly. I think this baby moves 24/7.
Food cravings: Mostly just chocolate milk.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, not particularly.
Sex of the baby: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None. 
Symptoms: Growing belly, movement!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody?  Moody unfortunately. My hormones have been wacky lately.
Looking forward to: Next up is doing a few things for the nursery that I want to do myself and can't register for and get ready for my shower!