Friday, October 26, 2012

Pregnant After a Loss

I knew that getting pregnant after a loss would be terrifying. I just didn't realize how scary, stressful, and heartbreaking it would be. Jason or I neither one can seem to let go and actually be excited. I try to remind myself that this is a new pregnancy and a new day. Many times I think about how far along I should be with the baby we lost. At this point we would know the sex of the baby. It would be time for baby showers and finishing the nursery.

Earlier this week I had a few bad days. I realized that when I made my appointment for next week that the receptionist didn't say anything about an ultrasound. I called the office and sure enough, I wasn't put down for an u/s, just an OB take-in appointment. She also said that they probably won't be able to get me into u/s that day, but maybe the next week. That just broke my heart. At the appointment next Friday I will be 8 weeks 3 days, the approximate day our baby quit growing last time. After I got off the phone I had a little meltdown. Then of course I talked myself into thinking something was wrong now.

We decided to go ahead and tell our parents that we are expecting again. It took a lot of convincing, but I knew that if something were to happen I would want their support. Here is to hoping the next week flies by and I have a great first appointment, u/s or not!

Monday, October 1, 2012

This is a shock.

Today I am 9DPO. That means according to the basal body temperature I record every morning I ovulated 9 days ago. For some reason when I woke up this morning I had the urge to test. I just used one of the cheapie Wondfos that come with the OPKs. I waited five minutes and checked... I thought there was a faint line, but when I asked Jason he said he couldn't see anything.

I still felt like there was a line there, so when I went to the store this afternoon I picked up a First Response Early Response test. They are supposed to detect HCG levels 6 days before your missed period. I was going to wait till tomorrow morning to take a test so I could use first morning urine that is stronger, but I just couldn't wait. Sure enough 3 minutes later there were two lines! A positive test...

That is a pretty strong line for only 9DPO! I texted Jason at work and told him to call me. There was no way I could wait till he got home tonight to tell him. I also called the doctor right away because of the Thrombophilia and my recent loss. I go see the nurse on Thursday at 3!

We are cautiously optimistic and happy. I am definitely nervous, but I know this will be my take home baby! <3