Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mid-pregnancy Funk.

I don't know if the mid-pregnancy funk is a real thing, but I sure have been feeling it. Ever since my loss EDD passed I have been feeling blue. I just feel sad... I am not at the same point in my life as many of my friends. I go weeks without talking to them now and when I do talk to them it feels so forced. I am going to talk to my doctor about this next week. I know my hormones are all wacky, but I don't like feeling this way and I don't want it to get worse after little man comes.

On a good note, Jason and I have been super busy working on his room. Jason painted last week. We registered and picked up the furniture on Saturday. It is all set up now and looks amazing. I can't wait to see it with all the western cowboy stuff in there.

Here is a little preview.

Next up I need to find curtains. I am on the hunt for denim or chambray. I am also going to ask my grandma to make the crib skirt out of bandana print material because I can't find one I really like.

And here is my weekly update even though I have missed a few weeks!
How far along? 25 weeks!
Total weight gain: At my last appointment I was up 5lbs, but since we don't own scales I am not sure since then.
Maternity clothes? I have been in maternity pants forever now. I can still wear my own shirts, but they are starting to get short.
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Sleep is starting to get spotty. I have a hard time getting comfortable. I toss and turn something awful and according to poor Jason I snore like a freight train.
Best moment this week: I got my first stranger comment yesterday! A client said I didn't know you were pregnant. I laughed and said I was and that I was due in June. When she left I told my coworker I should have been like, "I didn't know I was either!"
Miss Anything? No, not at all.
Movement: Yes! Lots of movement now.
Food cravings: Skittles! And a new craving is chocolate milk! Love it.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Now I have horrible heartburn. All my normal things aren't working anymore. I need to ask the doctor what I can take.
Sex of the baby: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: None. 
Symptoms: Growing belly, movement!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.
Happy or Moody?  Moody unfortunately. My hormones have been wacky lately.
Looking forward to: Next up is doing a few things for the nursery that I want to do myself and can't register for. My shower is the end of April so that will be nice! 
And a picture! This is from last week at 24 weeks. I haven't taken one for 25 weeks yet.

1 comment:

  1. Again, I read this wishing we were next door neighbors! I want to just give you a big hug. I hope this funk passes soon for you, but until then remember all the people that are SO excited and happy for you and Jason! This is such an exciting time for you two. Also, life is not a race...we have to do what is good for us when the time is right for us. Don't feel pressure from your friends or anyone else around you.

    You look stunning, Kales. Truly. You do.
    love and hugs.
