Friday, November 9, 2012

We have a HB!

A lot has happened since I last updated! I got to go in for my OB intake appointment. She said everything looked good, but she wanted to know why I hadn't had an ultrasound yet. I thought I was having one that day, but apparently the nurse and the receptionist got their wires crossed. The doctor decided to bring me in the next week for an ultrasound due to my previous loss. I was so excited and nervous. Our loss milestone was marked as 8 weeks 3 days even though we didn't find out until 12 weeks. So we would be passed that point, but now I know that hearing the HB is not a guarantee. We heard it last time and still lost our sweet pea. Hopefully this time is different! Anyway, here is a picture of our little one at 9 weeks 1 day!

I go back on December 4th for our next ultrasound and OB appointment! Fingers crossed everything still looks good!

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